Conclusions: The mentalrepresentation of actions is highly modulated by imagery practice and motor activities.
She works planfully and rapidly with our concrete problems and shows good powers of mentalrepresentation.
Sometimes it signifies a sense-impression, sometimes a mentalrepresentation, sometimes the thought, concept or essential nature of a thing.
The mentalrepresentation of the shape and organization of different anatomical structures is a crucial step in the learning process.
Before him, the stream of light that was the mentalrepresentation of his bond disappeared into a gleaming tear in reality.
Ús de cognitive representation en anglès
Components of illness representation were associated with self-care and health outcomes, indicating that the cognitiverepresentation of HIV has consequences for effective illness management.
Research has shown that the perceptions that form the cognitiverepresentation of an illness (illness representation) are fundamental to how persons cope with illness.
Cognitiverepresentations like this were previously thought to be the sole domain of backboned animals like us, but that might not be the case.